Why I Say #METOO

On 6 July 2019, UCSI University hosted #METOO: A forum on sexual harassment, in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, specifically Goal number 3 and 5. The main objectives of the forum were to highlight the taboos and stigma that exist within the scope of sexual harassment, to enhance participants’ awareness on the topic of sexual harassment by discussing different types of sexual violence offences  and crimes, to discuss the effects and impacts of sexual harassment on a person’s well-being, and to identify methods on how to handle sexual harassment-related issues legally and professionally.

Sustainable Development Goal 3:

Good Health & Well-Being

SDG 3 ensures healthy life while promoting the well-being at all ages through reduction of the global maternal mortality ratio; ending preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age; ending the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases; and combating hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable diseases through prevention and treatment as well as promotion of mental health and well-being.

Sustainable Development Goal 5:

Gender Equality

SDG 5 works towards ensuring women and girls get equal access to education, health care, decent work, as well as representation in political and economic decision-making processes that will fuel sustainable economies and benefit societies and humanity at large. To achieve this, we have to work towards ending all forms of discrimination against women and girls everywhere, and to stop violence against them in the public and private spheres, which include trafficking, all types of exploitation, and even harmful practices including traditional practices such as forced marriage and female genital mutilation. At the same time, we are responsible for ensuring their universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights.

#METOO reminded me that we all have voices and can speak up, be it for yourself or for other person. We can inspire others to do the same and support them throughout.

I say #METOO for all the men and women who have faced verbal or sexual harassment. I say #METOO if you are unable to find your voice, if it is buried too deep or you have forgotten how it sounds. I urge you to find strength and courage to let it out. No one deserves such treatment and #TIMESUP. It is time for us to come out of the shadows bestowed upon us and let our voices be heard.

I say #METOO for all the women who are out there trying to gain a living. For the women who get harassed at work every day by their bosses, co-workers or customers. For the women who were forcefully cornered by sexual commits and not able to deflect them. For the women who are afraid to speak out at the risk of losing their jobs or promotions they worked hard to get.

I say #METOO for all the women whose consent lost value, for the women who did not make it home, for the women who did not ask to be touched, for the women who did not ask to be cat-called as they walked past the street. For the women who are now afraid to wear their little black dresses or high heels because they risk being slut-shamed and told they were asking for it. For the women whose outfits do not mean yes.

I say #METOO for all the women who just wanted to have a good time, for the women who did not ask to be taken advantage of, the women who feel like it is their fault for getting too drunk, for the women who are afraid to express themselves because they have a reputation of being easy because of someone else’s actions.

I say #METOO for the women who have been told to shut up and sweep it under the rug. For the women who were told that it was not big of a deal. For all the women who have lost their voices along the way because they fear no one else will believe them. For all the women who keep to themselves and try to fake it.

I say #METOO to as a reminder that you are strong and beautiful and no matter the case. It will never define you.