Quarantine in RH Hotel – Day 2, Getting Released

News received from friends that they got their test results and have gone home is exaggerating my anxiety. It looks like another day of waiting. After cleaning up and dressing up myself, I am ready to report my location around 8 AM.

Today’s breakfast delivery took longer time than yesterday. I even remember the exact time they came daily because I am too bored. They provided us with nasi lemak and hot coffee for breakfast. It tasted good. I am currently in my semester break. Unlike my roommate that has to attend online classes and deal with assignments or tutorials, I have no work to do. I am trying to dry the clothes that I hand washed over the bedside lamp. It is quite effective but I need to adjust the position of the clothes from time to time to allow even heating of all surfaces. 

After my usual stretching exercise, I pass a few levels of Candy Crush and soon find time flows dreadfully slow. After having a quick tour around my social media, I wonder what else I can do. I am refreshed after a good night’s sleep but I have no idea how to make use of those time and energy. It sounds sarcastic because this is the life I dreamt of when I am busy attending online lecture and doing revisions for final exam.

The peace in room is broken by an urgent knocking of door. An officer instructs us to gather downstairs before 10.30 Am to be released. If the room is not cleared by latest 11 AM, action will be taken. All students that are released gather at the lobby, sitting with social distancing. We are asked to fill up some forms and get the form stamped by several authorities after returning to room key. The officer explained that we will be quarantined at home until 30th of May and can only cut off the wristband on 31st of May. The process of cutting wristbands should be filmed with Malaysian identity card presented in the video. The video is to be kept for two months for future verification.

We were asked to call our guardians to pick us up at the hotel and can only leave after verification by the officers. 

To pick me up, my parents have to travel all the way from Sarikei to Sibu which is a one hour journey without considering factors like traffic jam due to road block and time needed to get a travel permit. Therefore, it will be a long wait and time has become so attached to me, flowing as slow as a snail. While witnessing others leaving the lobby one by one, I am wondering when it will be my turn but I expect it will not be that fast. My father just called me to explain that he is applying for a permit at the police station. Let’s hope that I can get home before dusk. 

For your information, the swab test results have not been released yet so we still need to be careful after going home. I will update you with any changes.