Sleep Pattern

During the implementation of movement control order, most of us have unorganized sleeping pattern. Our internal circadian rhythm is responsible for our sleep wake cycle. It is a routine if biological and behavioral processes that occurs over a twenty-four hours cycle. Have you ever thought of what is the healthiest sleep pattern for our overall health? Types of sleeping pattern include monophasic, biphasic and polyphasic.

Monophasic sleep pattern is often referred as a normal sleeping pattern by today’s society in which an individual sleeps once a day for eight hours or so. Longer working hours nowadays increases exposure to bright light, thus reducing melatonin level that induces sleep. This reduces the sleeping duration and interrupt the sleep wake cycle. The bright light sources are sunlight, indoors lighting, light from digital screen including computer and smart phone. Using smartphone right before sleeping will induce the constriction of pupils and reduction of melanin secretion thus causing the person to remain awake. It will be difficult to fall asleep and causes sleep deprivation.

Biphasic sleep pattern is when people sleep twice a day like taking an afternoon nap besides sleeping at night. The sleep at night will have longer duration like five to six hours while the sleep during the day will be of shorter period of rest, typically thirty minutes to give energy boost during the day. It is advised that the sleep during the day is extended to one and a half hour for a complete sleep cycle. This is said to be the healthier sleep pattern than the monophasic sleep pattern. There is another form of biphasic sleep pattern which is the segmented sleep that involves two sleeping period that both occur at night. People will have six to eight hours of sleep but in two shifts. Roger Ekirch stated that it is normal for people to have two segments of sleeping time throughout the night with a waking period of one or two hours in between. 

A polyphasic sleep pattern is when people sleep for periods of time throughout the day. The sleep combinations of four to six time during the day can be broken down into categories depends on duration and interval of sleep and naps. I usually take up biphasic sleep pattern in daily life by taking two hours afternoon nap and six hour sleep at night but I will have polyphasic sleep pattern while doing revisions and assignments. 

Taking naps is beneficial. It improves memory, learning ability and mood. It also increases the alertness during afternoon activities. People usually feel sleepy and sloppy in the afternoon after lunch.

There is no definite which one is the healthiest sleeping pattern because sleep pattern differ from one person to another. Eight hours of sleep is essential for optimal function of body but some people can be productive with five hours of sleep and one hour of nap. People need to choose the sleep pattern that suit their own routine and ability. They can improve their sleep hygiene to feel well rested and refreshed by stopping used digital device thirty minutes before sleep,avoiding spicy food, caffeine and sugary food at bedtime, maintaining dark and quiet sleeping environment, exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet.